Nintendo Switch Labo Toy-Con 04 VR Kit
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Nintendo Labo makes VR gaming fun for the whole family
Introducing the most immersive, robust Nintendo Labo™ kit to date—this one combines DIY fun, pass-and-play multiplayer, and family-friendly play with the magic of VR gaming, and includes programming tools you can use to create your very own VR games and experiences! Just add your Nintendo Switch™ console and its Joy-Con™ controllers to feel your creations come to life as you and your family blast through an alien invasion, create 3D works of art, dive into an oceanic photo safari, soar atop a bird, and go wherever else your imagination takes you. There’s more for you and your family to make, play, and discover together than ever before. All required materials are included, and the packed-in software provides interactive build instructions, quick-play VR games, and more. Get ready for hours of engaging, inspiring, and enriching DIY family fun!
The Nintendo Labo: VR Kit includes a variety of creations to Make, Play, and Discover: Toy-Con VR Goggles, Toy-Con Blaster, Toy-Con Elephant, Toy-Con Camera, Toy-Con Bird, and more. Make cardboard controllers called Toy-Con, and then use your creations to play the software’s variety of fun, immersive games. Sharing the fun is as easy as passing Toy-Con creations from one player to the next; there’s no head strap or complicated equipment to get in your way. Interacting with creations translates into in-game actions to create a truly immersive experience—from firing your Blaster to flapping your Bird’s wings—and each creation enhances the sense of immersion with real-world sensations like movement resistance, sounds, and gusts of wind. Discover how your creations work with the Nintendo Switch technology through handy tutorials, and when you’re ready to try making something uniquely yours, use the software’s intuitive, interactive Toy-Con Garage and Toy-Con Garage VR programming tools to explore new ways to play with your creations, invent new ones, and even make your own quick-play VR games!